Monday, February 18, 2013

Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World

the citizens of the United States of America will celebrate Sandwich Day to commemorate the birth of its creator John Montagu who happened to be a popular heavy gambler and was a known 4th earl of Sandwich. There were records canonically speaking among Christian believers that this type of food had been mentioned during the time of the great Rabbi, Jesus Christ. In some records, some claimed that it started during the 1st century especially during the Passover period. It was also mentioned from 6th to 16th century using stale bread although the word sandwich was first heard or read from the writings of Edward Gibbons. However, the great gambler thought of ways that he could still eat while not leaving the table to gamble for more so he placed a meat between two pieces of bread in 1762 which was called sandwich. It’s the same reason that it was named after him and to remember his birthday, a Sandwich Day was set to give credit on the standard luncheon that citizens of America have. On the 3rd of November, John Montagu will celebrate his 294th birthday to celebrate it, and there were even various contests and competitions in relation to sandwiches. In order to join millions of people in the United States in remembering this day, let’s get down to the top 10 weirdest sandwiches in the world that have been created which are different from the typical kinds of sandwiches that being served in restaurants, food hub, and other clubhouses.

10. Mobile Sandwich
10. Mobile Sandwich e1351780761600 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
It is timely because we are in the era of development where modern gadgets especially latest breakthrough of cellphones are being showcased. It was actually patterned in a typical mobile handset that has basic keypad in the forms of cut cheeses and a slice of ham that serves as its screen. To those who can’t leave their phone at home, could bring this if they feel that they need to munch for something to fill their stomach, and keep the cravings away. You don’t need to recharge it because it is one full of energy best for your body.
9. Exercise Sandwich
9. Exercise Sandwich e1351780740205 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
If you are health conscious and you don’t want to get another inch of width to your waist line and not even a hedge of ugly fats in your body, you may be tempted to have a bite of exercise sandwich which would remind you to exercise every day. It’s a creative way of forming two four circles from a loaf of bread and placing ham and cheese between two circled-bread cuts and a stick of bread to form a barbell  or dumbbell. You might even imagine of having a well-formed muscles. The only difference is that you exercise your mouth to eat well while savoring to this well-tasty healthy sandwich.
8. Card Sandwich
8. Card Sandwich e1351780731766 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
Enjoy playing your favorite playing card games, and make a literal card sandwich using an ordinary loaf of bread and trimming down the outer layer of it or the crust. In the middle of it use your favorite brand of cheese while painting a diamond or spade using a subtle type of spread sandwiches in color black and red. Serve it while your game intensifies, but don’t be confused that you might turn your own sandwich down. As much as you don’t want to eat it, you have to eat it, but don’t eat real cards.
7. Big Bite Sandwich
7. Big Bite Sandwich e1351780716268 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
You would be over-fed when you see this one of a kind event where you could have not just a free sandwich taste, but a big bite share sandwich of your own. There’s a saying that people’s appetite is being boosted if they have few people to share the food that they have. It’s fun to eat while you with the company of loved ones, and friends, what more if it’s a community activity where you would not be well-fed, but you’ll get to meet new friends. Hope this would happen again in this upcomingsandwich day in America.
6. Artistic Sandwich
6. Artistic Sandwich e1351780701993 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
If you love music and you are a follower of it, you can reinvent, just like this artistic sandwich that has been copied and pattern using bread, ham, and cheese and other ingredients that you may use in order to com-up in this similar musical instrument. Before you strum to hum a song, don’t get yourself be carried away, you have to eat it while playing your favorite song.

5. Hand Sandwich
5. Hand Sandwich e1351780693800 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
You might take few minutes or more than an hour in order to prepare this hand sandwich because you have to make dough and fill it with variety of fillings to make it a yummy hand for you. I mean a yummy sandwich for you. You could even pattern if after the size of your hands, or create a hand mold where you can pour the mixture of your dough to start baking it. You could even make a smaller version of it or have a family hand sandwiches based on their hand sizes.
4. Fearful Sandwich
4. Fearful Sandwich e1351780683282 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
Since its still November, you might prepare during your post Halloween Party, along with your craziest and creepiest Halloween costumes. All you have to do just like the hand sandwich is to make a dough and the middle part of it would be a thick-sliced of ham or meat and at the wrist part you may place an effect of a red sauce or ketchup to appears that it’s a cut hand. You could also use beans and other edible types of seeds that you could use as fingers and create an edible ring that you can put in the ring finger of your fearful sandwich.
3. World’s Smallest Sandwich
3. World’s Smallest Sandwich e1351780674576 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
This is actually the smallest pastrami sandwich. I know that you would need to get dozens or more of it to truly savor and feel the taste of it. It’s like eating a piece of candy to keep your appetite away. It could be pieces of pica food that you may also prepare in light-snack party at night. It’s up to you if you are willing to try it at home or in one of your sandwiches preparations.
2. Rubik’s Cube Sandwich
2. Rubik’s Cube Sandwich e1351780661772 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
This is patterned from Rubik’s cube, but maintaining its sandwich form. The ingredients used are two kinds of cheddar cheese, pastrami, salami, and pork fat. You’ll just have to place them all in a regular type of bread, and start slicing it in a Rubik’s cube form. Don’t worry, you don’t need to make it even to match colors of the squares, you’ll just to eat it since it matches your hungry stomach.
1. The Dadwich
1. The Dadwich e1351780649843 Top 10 Weirdest Sandwiches in the World
Your father will enjoy this personal Dad’s sandwich which is called Dadwich. You’ll just need fried onions, cheddar, Swiss, and grilled steak, and place it one of your daddy’s polo shirt along with his favorite drink. You may do it if it’s his birthday or Father’s day celebration. It would surely touch his heart in a very personal way.

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