Monday, February 18, 2013

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato

Tomato is one of the basic ingredients in most of the cooking preparations that can be seen in the kitchen. In fact, you can eat it as it is since it’s a fruit, and not really a vegetable. You can just add a few slices of it in your favorite salad, and all other healthful stuff that you do in your kitchen. Nonetheless, there are also top 10 interesting facts about tomato that you should know. The word tomato actually derived from the word Tomati which is a Nahuatl Aztec word which was also traced from the Spanish word tomate. Hence its botanical name is Lycopersicon esculentum which means wolf peach since the shape of it is round and has a luscious appearance. Nonetheless, it actually originates in the Western part of Central and South America which was discovered by Cortez who actually brought it to Europe which was just part of his curiosity that it could serve as an ornamental display, and was never eaten when growing first varieties of it in Europe. On the other hand, citizens in France call it as love apples because of their belief that it contains aphrodisiacal properties that has stimulating elements.

10. Poisonous Parts of it.
10. Poisonous Parts of it. e1349840884797 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
It is true that when tomatoes are first brought to England, everyone was thinking that it was poisonous that’s why it was only used as ornaments, but not as a staple food during the 16th and early part of the 17th century. This wrong notion was triggered because of the book written by John Herard in 1597 which entitled Gerard’s Herbal which actually promoted and inculcated to the minds of the citizens in England that tomatoes were poisonous despite the fact that he knew that it’s being used as one of the important ingredients in Italian and Spanish cuisines. Hence, in the mid-part of the 17th century, people in Britain have started eating it, and it became an active ingredient in their diet. In fact, it was even put in trial before the public to really make attestations that it’s not really poisonous, and it was proven by Robert Johnson on September 25, 1820 when he ate one basket of tomatoes. People who watched him were anxious if he would fall dead, but he never did. On the other hand, the right information that people must know is that there are parts of the tomato plant which are really toxic, and they are indeed poisonous such as the stems and leaves because it contains tropane alkaloids and atropine which are harmful to human if eaten. Another warning, the green unripe tomato also contains a little amount of alkaloid tomatine which is also poisonous, so don’t eat it until it’s ripe.
9. Wean-Off Alcohol in the Body
9. Wean Off Alcohol in the Body e1349840874402 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
According to health experts, and dieticians, tomatoes are good source of vodka and vitamins that can wean-off alcohol content in the body to overcome the hang-over effects of it. All you need to do is squeeze out the juices from the tomato, and let the person who feels the effect of alcohol drink it, instead of the typical ways of unleashing its effect. It’s also one way of detoxifying your body from harmful toxins that your body takes whether it comes from liquor or beverages.
8. Original Color is Yellow
8. Original Color is Yellow e1349840864395 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
Despite of the varieties of tomatoes around the world, the original color of it was actually yellow, and it’s a native color than the typical or common red color of it. In fact the first variety of tomatoes which were brought to Europe was in color yellow. In fact, people in Italy and Spain called it as yellow apples, and everyone must know that Italy was the first country that have actually accepted, and embrace the inclusion of tomatoes in all of their cuisines. Today, you could find different colors of it such as orange, green, black, white, purple, and pink which were produced because of the process of cultivation. Hence, you may also find other colors like brown, ivory, multiple colors, and stripe-colored tomatoes.
7. Heart-Healthy
7. Heart Healthy e1349840856548 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
It contains high level of Lycopene which is a known antioxidant that protects the heart. According to studies, the sufficient consumption of it will also fight the symptoms or risks of breast cancer, and other common diseases these days. If one will regular eats tomato whether it’s raw or cooked will help his or heart to have a total protection against heart diseases since tomatoes have necessary vitamins that will prevent hemorrhages since it acts as blood purifier. In fact, it’s recommended to have tomatoes cooked because it produces ¾ of plasma Lycopene which promotes good intestinal digestion, and reduction of prostate cases. It is also good for the eyes since the lycopene found in tomatoes have carotenoid that acts as guard to prevent blindness and Age-Related Macular Degeneration. It has potassium that lowers heart disease, heart attack, stroke, blood pressure, and cholesterol level.
6. Varieties of Tomato
6. Varieties of Tomato e1349840845503 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
According to the latest count and updates, there are about 7500 varieties of tomato across the globe, which are being grown in specific purposes. They are actually classified or grouped according to its size, colors, and categories. Some of the common varieties are identified according to types such as Cordon or Indeterminate Varieties, Bush or Determinate Varieties, and lastly the Dwarf Bush or Hanging Basket Tomatoes. Generally speaking, those are types, but it’s actually different to the definition of varieties since there are also fruit types which are listed as standard, cherry, beefsteak, plum, marmande, campari, pear, grape, and oxheart. The cultivation of it have produced various varieties, but are all grouped according to their types. Some are for commercial purposes, while others are for home-gardeners cultivars.
5. It Removes Chlorine
5. It Removes Chlorine e1349840835931 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
During summer season, people especially kids and teenagers love to visit beach resorts where they can cool off their body from the hot effect of the season. However, it’s a common knowledge that chlorine is being mixed in water which is being used in most of the private and even public swimming pools in order to protect it from bacteria and keep it clean. However for those girls who have just got their hair rebounded, it would literally damage your hair, and it would look pale thereafter, worst, your hair may turn to color green. The affordable and easiest way to restore the healthy state of your rebonded hair and even to those who have normal texture of hair and did not undergo any hair application should just apply a tomato paste or tomato juice. Literally, you have to apply an amount of it, and shampoo it on your hair by massaging your scalp, and the hair itself. The tomato itself acts as neutralizer, and rinses it thoroughly after a few minutes of staying the juices of tomato on your hair.
4. Meat Tenderizer
4. Meat Tenderizer e1349840825561 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
If you love the taste and smell of tomatoes, this tip may work for you instead of letting you do the hard work of pounding your meat to achieve the desired texture, and tender. In fact, majority of fruits have natural tenderizer content because of its enzymes like papaya, pineapple, and of course tomatoes. It has natural acids which are safe for the body that actually breaks down protein fibers and collagen strands which are typically found in most meats. You could tenderize it using tomatoes by marinating the meat on it. It depends on you if you prefer the red ones or the yellow ones since they have different percentage of acids that will affect the tenderizing process of the meat prior cooking.
3. A Stink Away
3. A Stink Away e1349840815982 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
Tomato juice solution is an instant remedy against skunk smell which is really stinky and really irritating. It actually neutralizes the annoying odor because of the acid found in tomatoes. You might laugh it off since it’s very conservative and traditional and you might suggest other commercial products that you can purchase from the store. You are wrong, because you may not like the idea, but people who have tried this process have proved themselves that they are indeed effective.
2. It is a Fruit
2. It is a Fruit e1349840805431 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
People have wrong notions that tomatoes are considered vegetables since it is mostly mix or add in most of the cooking preparations and menus. Botanically speaking, it is a fruit it comes from a flowering plant which identified as berry since it grows on a vine like grape. Some refers it as a vegetable in a culinary world because of its nutritional content. In fact, there was a legal declaration as well that it’s a fruit and not a vegetable. According to definition of the word fruit, it grows through the seeds that come from a flower which is the common characteristic of a fruit. Because of its edible seeds, it is therefore right to say that it’s indeed a fruit which is based in scientific, and botanic explanation.
1. Acts as a Cleansing Agent 
1. Acts as a Cleansing Agent e1349840795477 Top 10 Interesting Facts about Tomato
Because of the strong acid content found in tomatoes which is being used to cleanse the body, it has been proven effective in cleaning toilet bowl, and other materials that you could find at home. In fact, there are different beauty products that women used today, and some of which are made out of tomato juices. There are lotions, body wash, and other hygienic products that. It polishes brass, copper, and other metals to renew its original shine. It removes dirt that you thought you could never eradicate. You’ll just have to stay the juice of the tomatoes to effectively remove dirt, and stain on items that need to be cleaned.

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