Monday, March 25, 2013
Top 10 Fun Things to do this Weekend
Its time of the week again when your plans kick into action and no we don’t mean the plans of coming presentation. We are talking about the plans you reserve for the end of the week which is The Weekend! There is no denying the fact that we all look forward to weekends (P.S. Workaholics please get a life) and the ones reading this article are for sure not addicted to their work, may be exasperated by their bosses. So what is it that you are planning to do this weekend? Actually it gets a tiresome task to decide what to do this weekend half of it has already passed and you don’t feel like moving your lazy back on Sundays on the pretext of resting. But wait people, why don’t you plan in advance of what to do this weekend. May be you like being spontaneous but a little planning never hurt anybody, you can leave spontaneity for later. So, coming back to the plans of this weekend, do you have any? If the answer is negative then please don’t fret we are here to help make your weekends better.
Take a look at the top 10 fun things you could indulge in this weekend.
10. Visit an opera and theater

Okay so how many of you think that opera and theaters are a passé or meant only for upper middle class? Most of you, perhaps. We all have an image of a fat lady in a gown torturing her vocal chords, when it comes to opera. But that is not true; in fact it can be absolutely fun if you decide to visit it once. May be for sake of a different taste in music, a visit to an opera is must. Who knows you just might like it or may be fall in love with opera performance. Same theory applies to theaters Richard Gere once said in his movie that people either love Opera or they absolutely hate it. So who knows may be it is just waiting to be discovered by you. This time give a miss to your usual routine of weekend movies; rather go for a theater performance. You are sure to love the live action and may be theatre might become your thing.
9. Course in defensive driving

What better way to utilize your weekend than taking a course in defensive or evasive driving. The best part is you find yourself in the middle of all the action. Just imagine for a second, what if you are being chased by someone and the only way you can survive is by driving ruthlessly in the narrow lanes in short bringing fast and the furious to real life. Hence, the need for a short term course in evasive driving. Besides its fun too, zooming past in a car, breaking the rules and nobody to stop you! This is like defying the rules and yet managing all to do all the stunts (may be not all) you see in movies. Basically, you’ll be taught how to deal with obstacles that waylay you and you get to drive in narrow lanes with roadblocks. May be this is your dose of adrenaline. So go ahead and grab the keys to a fast and furious ‘like’ adventure.
8. Karaoke

We can totally understand if nobody likes your singing. The moment you open your mouth, your friends shoot you down and close their ears asking to you stop that crying and do them a favor. Hurts a lot, right? But do not worry, you can finally free yourself from the shackles of bathroom singing and sing in public. Yeah, in real! Find a karaoke club in your area and hit it this weekend. Don’t worry nobody will laugh at your coarse voice there because you’ll be surrounded by like people. None of them is a winner of any singing show and may be none of them would ever try. You’ll know the reason once you are in. So why not give that singer inside you a chance. Let him come out this weekend, let him sing/ shout to all his heart’s content. This can sure be fun.
7. Course in coffee making

Seriously people, everybody needs to learn how to make good coffee. What good is a cup of exquisite coffee or even the normal Nescafe if it’s not made properly? Every coffee lover will agree to this, having a poorly made cup of coffee is worse than having no coffee at all. So please do yourself and your guests a favor and learn to make the perfect brew. Besides, it’s a short term course and won’t burn a hole in your pocket. You just have to find a cafe in your area that can teach you how to prepare a perfect cuppa. If there is no cafe that provides such a course than you can try your luck in a nearby Barista or Cafe Coffee Day and then use your persuasive skills to let them teach you. May be they won’t, but you never know what a little money and persuasion can do. So ahead, learn to make good coffee and then life will be all colorful with rainbows and unicorns. Just kidding, but a good cup of coffee can leave a lasting impression on your guests. Also, you will not have to loosen your wallet on some expensive Italian coffeemaker.
6. Picnic

Remember the good old childhood days when you would go on picnic with friends and families. The fun you had lazing around in sun on a mat and having brunch with salmon and sandwiches and coke. Oh! The good old childhood days. So, on this weekend why not take a trip down the memory lane and go for a picnic, in a typical picnic manner complete with a mat, eggs and salmon sandwiches and water and a magazine to read while you laze around in the sun all day long. In fact invite some friends over to accompany you for the picnic. It can be just like the childhood days when you can sit in an open park with a good view and juicy gossip complete with snacks- perfect ingredients for an amazing weekend.
5. Massage

Take a load off this weekend from the regular monotonous life. Take full advantage of the weekend and indulge in body spa and massage. A good spa will not only lift your senses and mood and do away with all the tiredness of the week gone by; it will also refresh you to take on the next week. All you have to do is find a spa nearby and book an appointment and then leave the rest to them. In case you are not able to make it to the spa, then bring it to your place. Even better if you indulge in massage with your spouse. A good massage that too from your spouse will have additional benefits for obvious reasons. Buy some scented oils and candles and put on some romantic music and you are set to go. Take it slow and enjoy the time. Who knows, one thing can lead to another (if you know what we mean).
4. Visit a friend

There were days when your gang of friends was inseparable. You would do everything together during college days such as bunking classes, shopping, hitting on opposite sex etc. But then came the office life and distances started increasing till you were preoccupied with work and related stuff. So this weekend ditch the usual movies and couch and pay a surprise visit to any such old buddy. Talk about the good old days, the crushes, lectures bunked together, heartbreaks and what not. Just a cup of hot coffee and pillow talk may be gtalk for girls and we are sure boys know how to entertain themselves. Have fun guys!
3. Road trip

When was the last time you embarked on a road trip? May be college days or last summer vacations? Don’t you miss that thrill of driving above 120 on highways, stopping midway for tea and snacks on local dhabas enjoying the empty roads and occasional traffic? Above all don’t you miss that adventure of taking an unknown path and reaching a new place? Perhaps, discovering a new culture in the process. Road trips are not just about a few people in a car driving incessantly wasting the fuel and time. Other than that, you could also go camping, that would be an icing on the cake. The options are endless but the condition is- are you willing to explore? What is that song “I don’t know where i am going, but I like the direction”. Time to prove it!
2. Party

Can a weekend really be called a weekend if it doesn’t involve partying and what comes after it – hangover. There is reason Mondays are loathed so much that is because they are hangover Mondays. But does that mean you should give up on a blast and a rocking party? NO! Come what may, you should stay resolved upon weekend parties. All the local disco, clubs and pubs offer various schemes on weekends. This is the time when people come out of the office cabins to shake a leg on the dance floor. Its obvious people! Weekend equals partying. In case you are not able to make it to a disc you can throw you own small party complete with loud music and drinks and if the neighbors complain, invite them over.
1. Sleep

Above all weekends are meant for relaxing, taking a break from the usual. So what if you are too lazy to visit a friend, go for a road trip or go wild partying there is always the option of sleeping. Besides sleeping is biologically important to relax the tired body and mind. During this time of the week make your couch and beer your best friends and while the outer world is busy doing their stuff, you can watch movie after movie or may be just sleep. But if you get tired of sleeping which you will eventually invite your girlfriend/ boyfriend to give you company.