Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Ashley Greene shows off her cleavage in low cut gym gear
As she doesn't seem to go anywhere else, Ashley Greene certainly has a varied gym wardrobe.
The 26-year-old Twilight star obviously decided to vamp up her usual demure gym look in a low cut, clinging black workout top, showing off her curvaceous figure.
She teamed her scoop neck top with some tight grey leggings and was carrying a cute water bottle decorated with a black heart.

Workout wear: Ashley Green takes the plunge in a scoop neck gym top which shows off her impressive cleavage
Her outfit was perfectly coordinated for her gym visit, not simply thrown together, even down to her grey and black basket ball hat.
Fitness fanatic Ashely, who plays Alice Cullen in the film adaptations of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight novels, is currently hard at work filming horror movie Random.
But Ashley is not simply all about working out and starring in Hollywood blockbusters - the star is a keen philanthropist and is an ambassador for m.powerment by mark - a charity dedicated to breaking the cycle of dating abuse and partner violence.

Perfectly coordinated: Ashley Green goes for a grey and black combination for her latest gym visit

Gym bunny! Ashley Greene rarely goes anywhere else socially other than the gym, so it's no wonder she looks so good

Keeping fit: Ashley is a known gym bunny - she is constantly seen going to and from her favouirte workout spots
The stunning brunette even took the NO MORE camapign to congress.
Speaking to congress, Ashley said:'As a young woman, I am proud to help launch the NO MORE campaign and announce the new m.powerment by mark. Healthy Relationship College Program.
'While the results of the NO MORE study are sobering, the silver lining is that the respondents reported they were willing to get involved to stop the abuse. We have the power to end the cycle and this is a monumental step towards that.' report that Ashley also announced that m.powerment by mark. will award 25 new grants totaling $125,000 to expand the Healthy Relationship College Program.

Do you have a fitness app? Ashley Greene leaves the gym and is straight on her mobile