Monday, January 14, 2013

Travel Blogs: 7 Mistakes You Must Avoid to Boost Blog Traffic

Are you passionate about travelling the world, exploring new things and sharing your experiences with your friends? If yes, it is time you consider penning down your thoughts by writing a travel blog. Prior to beginning a travel blog you will need to record notes, take images and speak to local people when you travel to various places. The primary objective of writing a travel blog is to offer information to readers about the people cuisine, climate, landmarks and scenic beauty of travel locations. Start off with your travel blog soon. Don’t forget to include photos taken from lands far and wide whilst penning down your thoughts, as it can help readers researching online plan their next vacation. Travel bloggers make all out efforts to ensure their blogs are gaining due attention from readers and go at any length to promote their blogs. Despite high online visibility enjoyed by travel blogs, most of them fail to drive good traffic and this continue to be one of the biggest challenges. One of the major benefits of writing travel blogs is to get noticed online. Most travel bloggers fail to boost traffic to their travel blog. Let us analyze seven reasons for travel blogs to be unsuccessful in getting ample amount of traffic.

1.  Travel Bloggers Post Blogs Too Frequently

The number of people interested in travel blogs is expanding and so is the number of travel bloggers. There is immense competition because the market is flooded with innumerable blog posts. At such a point of time, if you are posting travel blogs too frequently, readers who are going after other travel blogs will be unable to keep in touch with the stories and travel information you have shared.

2. Blog Posts Are Excessively Lengthy

Being a travel blogger isn’t simple. Right from planning your travel, meeting new people, thinking innovatively, answering queries from clients and dealing with advertisers, you have to face innumerable challenges. Readers are often too busy and desire posts that are short in length. Keeping your travel posts undersized and interesting will help drive more traffic.

3.  Failure to Add Photos

One of the major reasons why most bloggers fail to increase traffic to their travel blog is because of the failure to add good images to their posts. Regardless of what information you share with your readers, it is vital to put in some good images to make the post more interesting. Photos make your blog lively and easier to read.

4.  Travel Bloggers Focus Mostly on Themselves

Being a travel writer, it is obvious that you will have numerous experiences to narrate. When you share stories on your blog, you must focus more about the place you visit rather than narrating things you do each day. This is one place where most travel bloggers fail to increase traffic. Audience is more interested in knowing more about the place than knowing about what you do every day. Make your posts interesting to readers and your traffic will certainly increase.

5. Don’t Bother to Read Other Travel Blogs

The travel blog community is incredible. It comprises of people who are open minded, helpful and share similar interests. One of the best ways to boost traffic to your blogs is to read, comment and make efforts in promoting other travel related or any kind of blog posts. Most travel bloggers don’t bother to do this and that is why they fail to get sufficient traffic.

6.  Inability to Make Titles Appealing to Readers

When writing a travel blog, one of the most important things to consider is giving an attractive title to your blog posts. This will help in determining if the audience gains interest in reading your blog posts by clicking on them. If you know what sells well in the social media community, your posts will certainly gain more traffic.

7. Impatient, Want Results Instantly
Travel blog does not become successful quickly. Despite doing things rightly, you may not receive much traffic as expected. With the coming up of new travel blogs each day, the old ones fade away. You need to stay focused and offer trustworthy content in order to boost traffic to your blog.
Avoid these seven mistakes and you will find that traffic has increased to your blogs incredibly.
Ella Rich is a professional writer. She covers various topic related to business, technology, property etc. She spends her time by researching best things about technology with her followers. She is also a experienced traveler. Visit her website - My Business Central.

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