Friday, January 25, 2013
Top 10 Ways to Avoid Valentine’s Day Disasters
There are only few weeks left, but everyone is busy thinking of ways to spend Valentine’s Day successfully with their significant others, especially to those who are trying to win the hearts of the women or men that they love. Since this 2013 is the year of the snake, some think that this is not the right time to set a date because of the negative meaning of the year. If you would become more superstitious and less driven by the antagonistic views and beliefs of others, you will never have a rewarding and favorable experience with the person that you value and love. In fact, love is the most powerful motivation in overcoming hindrances and other barriers that might make your Valentine’s Day a disaster or catastrophic. As you follow these top 10 ways to avoid Valentine’s Day disasters, you’ll be guided on the things that you can do prior to that big day, and be better prepared as well in order to make it as one of the sweetest memories that you can give to the one you love.
10. Don’t Overspend
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Don’t try to impress your spouse, partner, and even your fiancée just to meet his or her expectations. You don’t need to spend too much money just to please. At first, they would appreciate it, but the moment financial problems occur, instead of the sweetest experience, it would get back to you especially to men who are always in the work of bringing and setting the best date and gift to their girls. Just spend your money in a frugal way. You don’t need to exaggerate your spending to the point that you would even dig a pit of debt in your pocket. You can make others happy without hurting your finances.
9. Don’t Expect Too Much

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Whether you are single, married or taken, don’t expect too much from the relationships that you have with your significant other. Don’t anticipate that the things that you wanted to happen on that day will likely to supervene. This is the best way of avoiding being hurt, and getting depressed because things did not turn out the way you wanted it to take place. If good things happen that day, appreciate it by expressing thanks to the person who has made an effort to make this day special. If it’s not, move on, and keep your self-worth.
8. Dress Appropriately on Your Date
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If you are in a formal date, find appropriate suits or dresses. If you are in a casual date, make sure that you know how casual you ought to dress-up by knowing the place where you are going to go. This is actually the best tip to those people who have decided to do their first dates on Valentine’s Day.
7. Don’t Overdo Things

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Everyone wants to give the best things to the one that their love. However, if this will also cause you too much stress and headaches, slow down. Its okay to spend, but don’t get yourself on debt. Make sure that it will not take away so much of your time and energy that when that day comes, you will not be able to make it because you are already drained physically. Make sure that you balance everything. Don’t use your office or working hours in calling restaurants and flower shops. Otherwise, you don’t like to spend that day jobless because you are terminated for being unprofessional at work.
6. Don’t Go on Double Dates
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Double dates are only effective for teenagers who need more supervision. However, for adults, you don’t need a company of any of your friends just to spend this day. It’s not advisable as well if these dates are intended make you feel closer to someone that you love. Otherwise, instead of making that girl fall-in love with you, she might fall to the other person. Another thing, you will not be able to spend more time to build memories if there is somebody around. This is a personal matter, so spare a time with your date alone, and not with another pair of dates. To those who are married, don’t bring your whole family; there are appropriate days where you can do and spend a family day out.
5. Date Your Spouse and Don’t Fling With Others
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Be faithful to your partner and don’t try to fool around on this day. Whether you are attracted to someone at work, make sure that that the only person that you would like to spend Valentine’s Day with is your spouse, and none else. This is also true to those who are single; don’t entertain temptations by staying away from them.
4. Don’t Date Your Supervisor
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This is one of the basic employment rules being given to all employees. Having a relationship with your colleagues, especially to your supervisor or your subordinates, is a big No. It will cause rumors, divisions, and you might not be able to get credit on whatever promotions and incentives that you will get despite of your hardwork if you are in a relationship with your boss. Moreover, it might also cause jeopardy with your work, and tensions with your fellow workers who got jealous on the things that you have accomplished might taint your integrity. Otherwise, turn down the offer or get a new job.
3. Keep One Date at A Time if You Are Single
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I know its fun to date on Valentine’s Day especially if you are single. However, don’t get a date everyday as if you are sending a signal that you are collecting, and not really in the process of dating to meet the one for you. This is especially true to women that might send a wrong signal to men that you are playing around. For men, keep one date at a time because you have to keep your finances controlled before the next pay day.
2. Don’t Make Any Promises
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To those who are in relationships, whether you are married or engaged, make sure that you don’t shower your partner with promises. At the end of the day, it will be the cause of argument between the two of you. It’s better to surprise him or her rather than setting the wrong expectations that might hurt the both of you.
1. Don’t Be Late on Your Date
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This is the very first thing that you should not forget. Be an early bird when you set a date. This is especially true to men since they are the ones who make the moves, and do everything for their women. To avoid this, prepare early, and if there are other engagements that you have that day, if it’s feasible, you may reschedule it to give way on this very special day. Anyway, aside from birthdays and anniversary, this is the next best day that you have to mark in your calendar.