Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Everyone’s Buzz-ing About Lance Armstrong’s Oprah Winfrey Interview

Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey (Harpo Studios, Inc / George Burns)Everyone's buzzing online over Lance Armstrong’s huge sit-down interview with Oprah that begins airing this week. Winfrey announced Tuesday morning that she got so much great material from the disgraced athlete that the interview would now run over two nights, Thursday and Friday on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).
Winfrey herself immediately began teasing her legion of followers about what they could expect. Right after the interview concluded on Tuesday at Armstrong’s Austin, Texas, home, she tweeted, “Just wrapped with @lancearmstrong More than 2 1/2 hours. He came READY!”
Winfrey made an appearance on Tuesday morning on best friend Gayle King’s morning show, “CBS This Morning,” to preview the one-on-one with Armstrong. "The entire interview was difficult," she explained. Armstrong "did not come clean in the manner that I expected," and continued that this was "surprising to me ... my team, all of us in the room ... I feel that he answered the questions in a way that he was ready."
"A couple of times he was emotional … Emotional doesn't begin to describe the intensity of the difficulty that I think he experienced in talking about some of these things," Winfrey continued. "All of the people who are wondering if he actually goes there ... I think that you will come away too understanding that he brought it, he really did."
Winfrey also went into detail about how she extended her vacation in Maui to meet with Armstrong and negotiate the interview. “I stayed over [in Hawaii] an extra two days in order to accommodate his schedule and he came to visit me in Maui," she said. She went on to explain that she went so far as “clearing out” her house of guests and sending car services with unidentified drivers to pick Armstrong up so that the activity wouldn’t be recognized as being associated with the talk show queen.
And the Yahoo! searches show that interest in Winfrey and Armstrong are through the roof. Searches on Armstrong are up 371% on Monday alone.
Other top searched terms include:
[lance Armstrong admission] – with a 570% rise in searches Monday
[lance Armstrong apologizes]
[lance Armstrong confesses]
[oprah lance Armstrong]
(and various other combos of their names)
People are still searching Sheryl Crow’s name in association with Armstrong, despite the fact that they haven’t been together for years. Searches also remain strong for Armstrong’s Livestrong bracelets.
This interview is, of course, a huge get for Oprah and her OWN network. Yahoo! searches for the [Oprah Winfrey Network] are up 144% in the past week.
Searches on Monday for [Oprah Winfrey], [Oprah Winfrey Network], and variations on [Lance Armstrong Oprah] are up a combined 1,768%.
The most searched term is [lance Armstrong oprah interview], which alone had a 553% rise in searches Monday.-Yahoo

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