Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story

Every year, people from all over the world are celebrating the birth of the Messiah, even Jesus Christ, whom the prophets in the Old Testament have been prophesying. And with the many members of the Christian faith, regardless of denomination, sees that the birth of the Savior of the World is worth celebrating as He is the center of their beliefs, and of their religion. Thus we see that every Christmas Day, it has been a part of tradition to read the Christmas Story, and understand the events that have occurred as Jesus was born here on Earth. But did you know that there are many things to learn aside from the facts that have been stated therein? Here are the top 10 things you could learn from the Christmas Story and how it could change your life for good.

10. No Thing too Big Comes Unannounced
10. No Thing too Big Comes Unannounced Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
When Joseph and Mary went together, he was surprised to find out that Mary was already pregnant at the time, which was the reason why he did not make her birth public, and both hid from society. However, at the time when the mortal father of Jesus was confused, he was visited by the angel Gabriel in a dream and stated that the child in his wife’s womb is of the Holy Ghost and that his name shall be JESUS. After the said event occurred, it had been clear to him that something big was on its way, even to the fulfillment of all the prophesies that have been mentioned by Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and other prophets in the Old Testament times.

9. Giving of Gifts should be Well-Thought of
9. Giving of Gifts should be Well Thought of Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
The wise men of the east gave gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh and had the greatest of value to be given to the Son of God. In fact, all three gifts have their value and are normally given to a king. Gold is obviously of great value as it is one of the most valued of metals back in the days of old and even in the modern age. Frankincense is used as incense in the altar of the First and Second Jewish Temple, which is called the Tabernacle; it is a symbol of the Divine name, and is even accompanied to the meat-offering outside the temple. Myrrh is used as embalming of the dead, and it is used as medicine to reduce pain, and it was even used after his crucifixion where he was laid in the tomb. Since Jesus is an important individual, the same should be followed for giving gifts to loved ones, friends, and other people who are of great value.

8. Christmas is the Time for Families to Gather Together
8. Christmas is the Time for Families to Gather Together Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
At the time when the Savior was to be born, it was the same period when Cæsar Augustus sent out a decree that the entire world should be taxed. One of the rules when taxes are being collected is that the person should return to his place of birth as family taxes have been filed by the very first person who dwells in the said location. Joseph was born in Bethlehem; therefore, he had to go back together with Mary in order to pay his obligation to the government. It was the same concept of returning “home” in time of collecting taxes. Since the birth of the Savior occurred in the very place where Joseph was born, we too should consider coming home to where “we actually came from” from our parents, and even in our hometown if permitted by circumstance. This is why family gatherings, reunions, and get-together events are popular.

7. People are Naturally Fearful of the Divine
7. People are Naturally Fearful of the Divine Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
At the time that the Son of God was born in a manger with the new star in the sky as a sign, angel Gabriel came to shepherds and proclaimed that the Savior has been born. Note, this is an angel being talked about. The shepherds have been afraid, even sore afraid that they did not know the glory of God shone round about them. All things have only been resolved when the angel said “Fear not”. Otherwise, they could have retreated from the scenario and the preaching of the event did not push through. When people are mentioned of the divine, they either shy away or they change the topic as they fear that the knowledge of the divine may shake their very being, even if no angel would bear record of things unto them.

6. People Knew the Event Because They Read the Scriptures
6. People Knew the Event Because They Read the Scriptures Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
Herod did not know the event, but the wise men, priests, and scribes have been aware of the birth of Jesus Christ based on what have been written in the Old Testament. In fact, the prophet Isaiah had mentioned so many details about it where the “House of David” was addressed, that a virgin will give birth to a child that shall be called “Immanuel”. The prophet Micah also stated through prophesy that Bethlehem will see the coming forth of the ruler of Israel. Jacob, father of the 12 tribes also mentioned that one would come whose obedience of the nations is his, and that the scepter of Judah will not depart from him. If people these days have read the scriptures, they would have clues of everything that’s happening in the world today.

5. People are Born and Die, Having Nothing, Bringing Nothing
5. People are Born and Die Having Nothing Bringing Nothing Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
Jesus was born naked. It can be very sad to know that his mortal parents did not have a room to stay in, as there are many others who have returned to their homeland in time the tax is to be collected and inns do not have enough rooms to accommodate them. Nevertheless, they found a place to lay him by, and have laid him in a manger and was wrapped with swaddling clothes. At the time of his death, he was also covered in a cloth at the time of his embalming. Really, people have to realize that man who was born having nothing else but he will die only bringing himself. Houses, riches, cars, jewelry, and other prized possessions will only be left on Earth and shall be corrupted.

4. When Good Things Happen, the Bad is bound to Occur
4. When Good Things Happen the Bad is bound to Occur Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
At the time that Jesus Christ is about to be born, wise men of the east came to Jerusalem in order to worship the soon to be born King of the Jews, which sign is seen through a new star that would appear in the skies. When they came about, King Herod overheard of the conversation and was troubled that his throne would be overthrown by a mere child. He called the priests and scribes to inquire of the said birth, which was located in Bethlehem in Judea, as it is written by the prophets of old. He sent the wise men to follow the star and mentioned that they should return to inform him of the location so that he could WORSHIP HIM ALSO. They never returned, and Herod then issued a decree to kill every male child born on the same night as Jesus did.

3. Made Up Stories and False Traditions Defile Scripture
3. Made Up Stories and False Traditions Defile Scripture Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
The birth of Jesus, just like any other story known to man, has been sensationalized based on personal interpretation and fancy imagination, which defiles the content of scripture as God would want it narrated by writers of the said accounts, Matthew and Luke in the new Testament. He was born on a manger, but not on any account was it mentioned that he was born on a stable surrounded by animals. It was never mentioned on any account that the wise men were three, nor they have names like Melchior, Balthazar, and Caspar. He was never called as the Second Adam, but was marked by certain believers who have interpreted certain doctrines to create such a remark.

2. Evil Thoughts are Known by God
2. Evil Thoughts are Known by God Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
Herod had done one thing that is being done by most people these days. They would create lies and deceive the innocent in order to achieve their selfish desires and gain something for their own benefit, even if it could demise or kill people. Herod did not tell anyone of his plans of slaying the King of the Jews as he was born. He spoke to the wise men, to priests and scribes, putting up a show that he wanted to worship Christ also. However, nothing is hidden unto God and he warned the wise men to depart, and Gabriel spoke to Joseph in a dream to go to Egypt for their safety. You may be able to make up stories to push your evil plans, but God will make a way either of protecting the people you are planning to hurt, or he would provide justice by making you pay for your selfishness in the future.

1. Follow the Commandments with Steadfastness
1. Follow the Commandments with Steadfastness Top 10 Things You Could Learn From the Christmas Story
Joseph was given commandments at the time that Jesus Christ is about to be born. The first is that he should make Mary his wife and second is to name his child JESUS upon birth. All of these things have been given while Joseph was sleeping, and the angel Gabriel has made things known unto him through a dream. Right at the time he awoke, he took Mary as his wife, and the child was named JESUS even before the child was conceived. If he had never fulfilled any one of these commandments because of fear of the society, the things could have been very different! Maybe Jesus was not supposed to be born in Bethlehem, nor many prophesy have not been fulfilled. Therefore, we are commanded to follow the commandments with steadfastness.

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