Friday, December 21, 2012

Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds

1. Akita inu Dog

The female one can grow up to 70-110 pounds in weight and 24-26 inches tall
In the past, Japanese employed Akita inu as a dog fighter or hunting. Before 1930s, the population of Akita Inu was nearly extinct but Society for the Preservation of Japanese Breeds came and save the population. It has vertical and triangular ears and most coated with black and brown fur.

2. Anatolian Shepherd Dog

29 inches tall and 125 pounds in weight
Anatolian Shepherd originally came from Turkish and Turkish commonly called it the Kangal dog, Coban Kopengi, Karabas and the Karabash. Today, most people employ the dog as a guardhouse. Anatolian Shepherd is a territorial and independent breed. The female Anatolian shepherd can grow 27 inches and weighting 100lbs max.

3. The Great Dane Dog

160 lbs in weight and 32 inches tall
The Great Dane originally German breed dog and some called it German Mastiff or Deutsche Dogge. Great Dane enjoys socialization with human and kids, Great Dane is usually has blue and black spot, thick coat and long narrowed tail. A female great Dane can grow up to 120 lbs and 30 inches tall

4. Irish Wolfhound Dog

32-34 inches tall
In 1800s, Irish employed the dog as a wolf hunter dog. Beside its tall and strong figures, Irish wolfhound is a caring and loving dog. It is loyal and can be a children best friend. Most characterized the dog from the height, big head and their intimidating shape. A female Irish wolfhound can grow up to 30-32 inches tall

5. Mastiff Dog

32 inches tall and 190 pounds in weight
Mastiff primitively came from England so that some nicknames it English Mastiff. Mastiff is playful, energetic, and has sensitive instinct. With proper training, they can be all men and children best friend. Common character of Mastiff is dark eyes, flat nose, and colored coat from brindle, fawn to apricot. A female mastiff can grow up to 27 inches tall and 150 pound in weight

6. Saint Bernard Dog

38 inches tall and 175 pounds in weight
Saint Bernard or also known Alpine Mastiff natively from Switzerland and a Bernadine Monks who firstly raised the dog around 1600s. Saint Bernard is playful, loyal, and patient dog. It has low temper and intelligent. Saint Bernard is available in short and long coat type. It has big head, muscular structure and strong legs. A saint Bernard female can grow up to 130 pounds in weight and 36 inches tall

7. Tibetan Mastiff Dog

28 inches tall and 170-190 lbs in weight
Tibetan Mastiff or is also known as Do-Khyi originally came from Tibet and in the past, local people usually used it as guard dog. Tibetan Mastiff has sharp instinct and the dog rarely drool. It can be sensitive to strangers but they can adapt well if trained properly since young. Tibetan Mastiff is also known as the most expensive dog breed in the world. After fully grown up, a female Tibetan Mastiff is usually 160 lbs in weight and 26 inches height.

8. Swiss Mountain Dog

28 inches tall 140 lbs in weight
Swiss Dog Mountain or commonly called the Greater Swiss cattle dog came from Switzerland and it was firstly bred in the first 1900s. The dog is energetic, playful, easy to adapt and has good sense to protect. It has character black nose, shorthaired coat, and brawn eyes. After fully grown, a Swiss mountain dog female is 26 inches tall and weighting 110 pounds

9. Kuvasz Dog

28-30 inches tall and weigh 100-115 pounds
Kuvasz or commonly known Hungarian Kuvasz has amazing stamina and it can active for hours without any break. Their distinctive character is v-shape ears, white fur, and cat-like paws on its feet. It wears two layer coats to protect them from cold and each layer has different character. Adult female Kuvasz can grow up to 26-28 inches and weighting 90 pounds

10.Caucasian Mountain Dog

27 inches tall an120 lbs in weight
A Caucasian Mountain Dog, which is also popular as Caucasian Ovtcharka, is a mountain dog from Russia. It was originally a sheep dog and converted to be a border patrol dog in East Germany army in the early 1960s. The dog can be aggressive and dangerous once they are trained to attack strangers. The dog is not suitable to be pet because of their territorial and dominant instinct. An adult female Caucasian Mountain dog is usually 27 inches tall an120 lbs in weight. This is one of largest dog in Europe and around Caucasus.

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