Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit

As the Christmas season arrived, one of the things people anticipate the most is discounts and holiday sales. This happens every year as Christmas is identified to have the spirit of giving. Thus, people shop because they want to buy valuable gifts for the ones they love. However, because of much shopping, buyers also end up losing money faster than drinking a cup of coffee. So how can you become a Christmas shopper without being a scrooge or a Grinch? Read the top 10 holiday shopping tips that keep the Christmas spirit and see how your spending can be fun for everyone.

10. Avoid Buying Expensive Gift Wrappers
10. Avoid Buying Expensive Gift Wrappers Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
One of the reasons why you are buying gifts for Christmas is to make your friends, family, and loved ones happy. And there is no other way to be happier in this time of the year than to receive gifts and have it unwrapped for a splendid surprise. Pause that thought. There is no need to spend much on glitzy or costly wrapping paper as the covering is meant to be torn apart in order to uncover what’s inside. It does not even matter if you are giving a gift to a toddler or a sophisticated gentleman, they would have to rip the wrapper apart to experience the spirit of Christmas.

9. Limit Gift Recipients
9. Limit Gift Recipients Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
If there is one thing that people cannot do that Santa can do, it would be to provide gifts to children all over the world. Thanks to his elves who makes toys back in the North Pole, there is more than plenty for everyone to have. Well, you are not Santa and that is a harsh reality you have to accept. Therefore, you have to think that you are on a limited budget and there are certain people that you cannot give gifts to, each and every single year. This way, you do not have to feel guilty and you can compensate for little tokens, cards, thoughtful messages, and other things that would still show your love and concern for others who did not have gifts.

8. Dress Up for the Occasion
8. Dress Up for the Occasion Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
Shopping need not to be too tight in order for you to enjoy every minute of it. Elves wear leggings, Santa wears a large red coat with pants, and angels are comfy with loose clothing. In short, you have to dress for the occasion and thinking of what dress that calls for the situation should be worn. This way, you will not feel the extra stress and pressure all because your clothes are becoming more and more irritating, the longer you spend time shopping.

7. Family and Shopping Do Not Mix
7. Family and Shopping Do Not Mix Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
One of the reasons why kids love the holidays is because they can go places together with the family. Shopping malls, theme parks, and fun events are some of the venues children can go together with their moms and dads. Could you imagine if you have brought them along to shop? Aside from being boring, it could also be the reason for them to splurge your money and buy things that are not of necessity for them. Doing the shopping yourself has its wisdom and reward. You do not have to bring others along to ruin the moment.

6. Buy Gifts with Real Money
6. Buy Gifts with Real Money Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
In ages past when credit cards were not known, shopping was always fun because you can feel the value of your cash, being spent with the things you buy. You see pennies, quarters, and a couple of dollars slip from your hand and your consciousness in spending is aroused. This is the kind of feeling you will never have when using credit or debit cards in buying gifts for the people you love. You may be tempted to overspend because you think that you can pay things by installment, but you end up slumped in the end. In the long run, you no longer feel the satisfaction of giving because you find yourself in debt, causing you to think twice sometimes.

5. Making a List and Checking it Twice
5. Making a List and Checking it Twice Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
When Santa made a list as to who will receive gifts, he did not just create one and just let things loose. He had to check now and then if the kids he will give gifts to are still good and nice. The same principle should be used when shopping. As you have created a list of the things you will buy, you also need to check current factors such as promos, price cuts, discounts, bundles, and other stuff. You will not only be able to buy stuff for your loved ones as gifts, moreover, you get to check out if other things can be included. This move provides you both satisfaction and savings.

4. Think of Others in Mind
4. Think of Others in Mind Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
Always remember that you are giving Christmas gifts in order for people to be happy, and not merely because you want to show off that you have the money to provide expensive gifts. Think of the people in mind, and recognize things that they may love. It may not be as costly as you conceive it is, but the value of such well-thought gifts is much greater than what can be found at stores.

3. Give Gifts with a Personal Touch
3. Give Gifts with a Personal Touch Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
People just love it if they knew that the gift you gave actually came from you. How will they know? There are simple things that can be done at gifts in order to add some personal touch to it, which can be identified by the recipients of such gifts. When you have gifts gift wrapped in a store, do not forget to add a blank card where you could write messages for the person to whom you will give the gift to. Or you could do the wrapping by yourself for a change.

2. Loose Change can Bring Change
2. Loose Change can Bring Change Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
One thing that is great about spending cash while shopping is the fact that you do not spend everything you have on hand. On some occasions, you are given loose change that ends up being stuck in your purse or wallet. Instead of just keeping them for too long being unnoticed, why not think of the people who would be able to benefit from such small contributions that come from the heart? There are stores and shops that have coin banks for charities and other institutions, and your loose change can bring change into their lives, one way or another.

1. Shop with Christmas Joy
1. Shop with Christmas Joy Top 10 Holiday Shopping Tips that Keep the Christmas Spirit
The spirit of giving is best felt when you give gifts in a heartfelt and sincere way. This means that the intention of giving has nothing to do with compulsion, the sense of obligation, or personal pride. There are people who buy expensive gifts as they think that the high price tag is proportional to thought or love. Others are just taking out something as purchase because other shoppers are getting it too. When the wise men gave Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, they have taken thought of what to give for the Prince of Peace, whose birth was heralded by angels. Even though gifts are not that costly, as long as the thought and joy counts, even the cheapest of stuff will make one happy.

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