Thursday, December 13, 2012

Denmark Sets New Catwalk Record

Denmark New Catwalk Record
Hong Kong, December 9, 2012. A short while ago, the last model stepped off the podium of the World’s Greatest Catwalk in Hong Kong, sealing the world record that the Guinness Book of World Records had arrived to register. With a 3.2 kilometer-long runway and 343 models, the World’s Greatest Catwalk is now officially the greatest catwalk ever recorded with its amount of models. And that’s something to be proud of, because the record-breaking event has spurred a collaboration between Danish Fashion Institute and Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association. The fashion displayed on the runway was, for this reason, from both Denmark and Hong Kong.
A proud Eva Kruse, CEO of Danish Fashion Institute, says: “We had 158 models dressed in Danish fashion on this extraordinarily impressive catwalk today. I was very proud when I saw them walk down the runway with the gorgeous Hong Kong skyline as backdrop. Simply put, it was the best of Danish Fashion presented in the most beautiful of international settings.”
Pia Allerslev, Copenhagen’s Mayor of Culture, who together with the Hong Kong administration’s Financial Secretary opened the catwalk officially, says: “I have been in Hong Kong today to support the creativity and professionalism found in the Danish fashion industry, and the efforts and ambitions of Danish Fashion Institute. Once again, Danish Fashion Institute has managed to give Danish fashion international visibility. That’s something I’d like to commend.” Pia Allerslev also highlighst the unique thing about the catwalk being the meeting of two cultures:
“The physical meeting halfway on the runway between models dressed in Danish fashion and models dressed in fashion from Hong Kong was beautiful and symbolic. It was a cultural meeting between East and West.” When the World’s Greatest Catwalk was over and the models counted by the Guinness Book of World Records, the record was officially marked by the presentation of the Guinness diploma to representatives from both Danish Fashion Institute and Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association.

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