Friday, August 31, 2012
Top 10 Inventions that has Changed the World
People today are blessed because of the convenience, enjoyment, and speed along with accuracy that they are getting because of the evolution of technology, much more of the progress that the world had undertaken, and would still be facing in the next years, and decades to come. Moreover, prior to the breakthrough in equipment, and gadget these days, there were people who had made history overtime for their unique and valuable creations which is better known as invention. The word invention means an improvement to on current product or machine by adding functions through the skills that a person has. Nonetheless, all of which had work for the same purpose which is to change the world, not just temporarily, but forever. Here are the 10 of them that had not only changed the world, but gave forever impact from one to generation to succeeding generations:
10. Computer
Before any transition of any high-end computer these days such as laptop, Netbook, and even tablet, the original structure of computer is way far different from its original look. In fact, it started with a simple abacus which served as an aid for computation. Indeed, from the world itself, computer comes from the root word compute. Later on, John Napier, who was a scotman inventor, introduced his creation of Logarithms that had touch of technology for multiplication, then a slide rule came in 1632 which being used until 1960s. Furthermore, calculating clock, gear-driven calculating machines, and Pascal’s Pascaline, made a gear-driven one-function calculator in 1642. By 1822, Charles Babbage steam driven calculating machine which was also known as Difference engine where two important components called as store and mill composed of an Analytical engine which are known today as CPU and memory unit. It was replaced by Hollerith Desk that has combination of Pascal’s and Joseph Marie Jacquard’s inventions. Harvard Mark I in 1944, then flow-matic, cobol in 1953, and in partnership with IBM, the IBM stretch computer in 1959, and an Apple Computer 1 in 1976 wherein various integrations were added, until monitor, and other devices were created to make it more useful than just for the purpose of computing.
9. Telephone & Telegraph
Because of the ingenious mind of a 29-year old man in 1876, the first telephone was invented by none other than, Alexander Graham Bell and with the assistance of Elisha Gray who had made the design of transmission of communication done through an electronic device. In fact, it became controversial as to who owns the patent of the invention wherein it went up to a legal battle that Alexander Graham Bell won over Elisha Gray. His invention was created in order to make some improvements with the existing telegraph then that relied greatly through the dot-and-dash Morse code system. By 1874, a multiple telegraph was made in partnership with his father in-law, Gardiner Greene Hubbard who was an attorney in Boston back then. Later on he worked with Thomas Watson for harmonic telegraph, then the first sounds twang was accidentally discovered by him again, that made the dissolution of the multiple telegraphs because of the successful experiment on the telephone.
8. Flight and Aviation
The word aviation came from the latin word avis which means bird. It began with kites and gliders to check for calculation of the length of the tunnel, then later on, the discovery of hydrogen that pave the way to the creation of balloons. There were series of attempts prior to serious study of Leonardo da Vinci in 1485 about flight wherein he represented it through drawings. Later on hot air balloons were created by Joseph Michael and Jackson Montgolfier. By 1799 to 1850s, gliders were invented by the father of aerodynamics, George Cayley. In 1891, it was improved by Otto Lilienthal who made the aerodynamics to fly in the sky and long distances. Later on, steam motors were added through the ingenuity of Samuel Langley and in 1894, airplanes were invented by Octave Chanute, and the rest of developments were made thereafter.
7. Radio
There were people who had made studies, and research with regards to radio transmission. They are James Clerk Maxwell, Heinrich Hertz, Guglielmo Marconi and this became possible through wireless telegraphy. Nonetheless, majority of the developments and discoveries were done by Guglielmo Marconi who had concocted the wireless transmission, and Mr. J. Vincent Waine who designed the transmitting & receiving equipment.
6. Printing Press
Johannes Guttenberg was the known creator or inventor of Printing press. He was a known businessman and goldsmith in Germany. Everything began when he borrowed specific sum of money in order to invent something that would change the perspective, and flow of printing wherein the original printing press was composed of moveable or replaceable wooden or metal letters which done in 1440. Although, various improvements were made, but definitely, his creation has triggered to what the technology has to offer in the society today.
5. Automobile
Based on the history, Karl Benz was the first modern inventor of automobile in 1886. Nonetheless, in 1672, the first steam-powered vehicle was designed and introduced by Ferdinand Verbiest while in 1769, the self-propelled mechanical vehicle was invented by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot, then in 1807 the first internal combustion engine was made by Nicephore Niepce. In 1881, a 3-wheeled vehicle came in to the picture through Gustave Trouve and lastly, Karl Benz from Germany developed his very own four-stroke cycle gasoline engine. In 1893, the first gas-powered car was invented by Charles Edgar Duyea along with his brother, Frank.
4. The Wheel
Prior to the development of automobile, wheels had served greatly to the progress of vehicles that we are enjoying these days. It started in a primitive axle that served as rollers until the evolution of the functional wheels. In fact, it can be traced back around 3500 B.C. from the Ancient Mesopotamia where oldest wheel can be seen. Hence, the first sets of wheels were used for potters to transport pots, and food which was called as potter’s wheels. An improvement was done during Sumerians era where they called it as wheeled chariots. Later on gears were added at Middle Age, until Industrial Revolution came where steam engines, railroads, and factories were found.
3. Refrigeration
William Cullen was the first person who initiated and introduced artificial refrigeration in 1748 which he has demonstrated at the University of Glasglow. Oliver Evans improved it when he invented the first refrigeration machine in 1805, and in 1834, the first practical refrigerator was made by Jacob Perkins, then an improvement was done by John Gorrie which he has based from Oliver Evans’ fridge. On this kind of fridge, an ice could be produced through the process of cooling, but in 1876 the basic refrigeration through the liquefied gas was patented by Carl von Linden who was a known German engineer.
2. Light Bulb
Who would ever forget the creation of Thomas Alva Edison of an electric light called bulb in 1879 which has caused one of the biggest changes in the world not just to households, but in running all businesses in the world. It was patented on January 27, 1880, wherein it categorically classified as the first practical light. Nonetheless, there were also inventors in the history who had tried to create the same device, but did not push through like Warren De la Rue, James Prescott Joule, and a lot of others.
1. Electricity
It is true that Benjamin Franklin holds the title as the father of electricity, but his invention and discovery was life threatening because he has demonstrated it through the natural lighting using lightening rod that could had caused his life in order to see the electric flow. Hence, there are others who triggered, and did study who had prepared documents and books in order to catch the whole process and technicalities of electric power. Some of them were Thales of Miletus, William Gilbert, Otto von Guericke, Luigi Galvani, and Faraday.