Friday, August 31, 2012
Top 10 Benefits of Petroleum
Have you ever realized how major equipment, modern facilities, and vehicles work? All the things that we are enjoying that makes everything convenient and easy for us is best achieved because of the simple energy that petroleum gives. It has the power to give light to a home, to keep the company’s operation working, and make the work or job of individuals quick and steady. In fact, it is the most portable and it’s always available in the market, and anywhere you go. Despite of the unsteady price of petroleum in the market world, it still part of the important commodities that one could not let go of because of the benefits that it actually provides to the world. On August 27, 2012, marks the Petroleum Day in the United States of America. Prior to the discovery of this product, there were series of studies and discoveries made since 347AD that actually originated in China, and other oil explorations done in the province of Dacia which is found in Roman. Hence, oil fields or natural fields were established in Baghdad, but the official product was actually introduced in America through the account of Sir Walter Raleigh. Nonetheless, the refining time took place in 19thcentury until this era. It became a part of human’s daily routines, and it supports a lot of activities at home, in school, at work, and any places you go. Here are the sneak peaks of the top 10 benefits of petroleum that you ought to know and share.
10. Extinction of Whale Has Ceased
Whale contains highest amount of perfume and oil which serve as ingredients for lighting lamp. The whaling or whale hunting became prominent in 17th century because it’s used as one of the sources for food and clothing. By 1800s, recovery has been experienced because of the discovery of other sources of oil which was replaced by the availability of petroleum.
9. Use as Solvents
You could find handful of solvents products in the market. Hence, majority of them are derived or came from petroleum through the process of distillation. There are specific level of components which are being used as solvents for industrial use, paint and etc. In fact, products which are distilled from petroleum are much cheaper or affordable compared to turpentine. It’s also less hazardous to human’s health and its number one recommendation for painters who are allergic to turpentine products.
8. Major Products are made of it
Petroleum products are classified into three groups wherein compositions of which are being used to produce new products in the market. Some of which are fishing boots, shampoo, crayons, plastic wood, life jackets, bandages, movie film, ammonia, refrigerators, trash bags, linings, soap, tool boxes, and more. In fact, anywhere you look around, you would find handful of products which are all distilled from Petroleum.
7. Serves as Fertilizers
Human or animal wastes are common forms of fertilizers being used by farmers in order to grow plants. It acts as booster to promote growth. Today, there are commercial fertilizers which are categorized as organic or inorganic as well. Hence, since petroleum is actually a natural form of oil which is a non-renewable source of energy as well that can be used for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. However, a wrong notion that it’s petroleum-based fertilizer is not its exact explanation. What really happens is the process of contamination, purification, and extraction where crude or petroleum is being produced which becomes fertilizer for plants.
6. Source of Organic Molecules
As a simple definition of petroleum, it is a type of substance in a form of a gas or liquid that consists of carbon atoms and hydrogen which is better known as organic molecules or hydrocarbon. Since much of it is found in rock, the word petroleum was named after this substance since the word petroleum comes from two latin words petra which means rock, and oleum which means oil. These organic molecules are important element in producing fiber, medicines, plastics, rubbers, and etc.
5. Used for Technological Advancement
If you were thinking that your gadget is depends largely on the power supply, charger, and other tools to make it work, portable, and easy to use, that’s entirely wrong. Much of the advancement and evolution that the world undertakes these days happened and will happen because of the role that petroleum has in the entire breakthrough that these generations have been experiencing. The production output is being speed-up, and all other methods are being accomplished in efficient and quickest manner because of its availability.
4. Most Economical
It is still economical despite of some fluctuations that did happen and are still happening and influencing the value of currency these days. If you would compared the sources of energy, and the amount that an individual, companies, and corporations had to pay or invest, petroleum is still the cheapest or economical since it’s available and portable. In fact, there were companies that have actually included in their future proposed plan as part of their evaluation tool in ensuring financial stability. Moreover, there is a large percentage of return of investment when it comes to business orientation and developments.
3. Acts as Lubricants
Based on studies, about 90% of lubricant products in the market are generally derived from petroleum because of its mineral oils. There are only 10% of additives which are being mixed and commonly known as based oils. It is also a refined crude oil that comes from petroleum oils. It is the primary ingredient or supply in all types of industry and manufacturers.
2. Source for Cooking
It’s not the actual petroleum itself that will be used in order to light kerosene for cooking. It has important components such as butane and protane which are important sources in heating cooking tools, and portable cooking fuel. The typical type of which is the liquefied petroleum gas or better is known as LPG or also known in layman’s term as cooking gas. It is harmless, and safe, but people who are in the production team are advised to make extra precautionary measures because of its very foul smell.
1. Portable for Mechanical Transportation
Despite of the stiffer charges or cost for worldwide price of major petroleum products, people cannot set aside the fact, the convenience it brings to all who have their own vehicles that they are using instead of commuting each day. It is not just limited on that specific usage, it’s widely used for major operation of business, and even small transactions where presence of petroleum is not just needed, but a means to make daily routines accomplished and done.