Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Top 10 Best Ways To Make Money Online
If you are looking for some easy ways to earn money online then below are the top 10 best ways to make money using internet this year,

10 – Selling for people.
Yes, some people just don’t have the gift of selling and that’s where you can come in and clean up. There are sites that have people who have stuff to get rid of or are looking for someone to help them get started with their products. It takes someone with the skills to successfully pull this type of job off but you either have it or you don’t. It’s niche specific too so if you’re an aficionado of fishing equipment and you run into someone with a new lure or service, you can use your connections to get the word out for a cut of the profits. Negotiate your contracts with these people properly and you’ll gain a reputation quickly and your business should expand.
9 – Affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is a huge part of the internet. Basically you use your website, blog, email or social networking to sell someone else’s products or services. You then become an affiliate that gets a percentage of each sale. This is facilitated by secure databases that tracks your specific affiliate ID code. This can be extremely lucrative but it takes savvy. Just because you have popular website doesn’t mean anything you post will make sales. You have to have the right products at the right times and some will be perennial and others you’ll have to swap out monthly. Statistics for this type of internet work are extensive and generally accurate. Study up and give it a go.
8 – Consulting.
If you’re an expert in some field you can set up an online consultation business. You can do it live via video or via a message board. There are many combinations and you’ll have to find out which one best suits you. For example if you’re knowledgeable about a specific area that others aren’t you can clean up. People love that extra inside tip or guidance that keeps the wolves off the door.
7 – Counseling.
Counseling is huge on the web. People need that guidance and when it comes to issues like marital problems, business, education, raising pets and more you’ll find millions of counselors available on the web. Some are so popular that they have their own web broadcasts. If you’re looking for the more intimate side of counseling just keep your clientele to a comfortable one and when they get better and move on, more will come in to take their place. Your reputation will grow with the satisfied customers and that will lead to something you can depend on.
6 – Virtual office administration.
There are always companies looking for people who work at home on the internet. With some basic administrative skills you can be an office worker at home. You can actually work for several companies from around the world. Handling emails, writing reports, doing phone calls or customer support. This is a huge income market that allows for the comfort of home or small office.
5 – Negotiate deals.
Have you the skills to bring people together and get a deal done? Then using the internet to negotiate deals is for you. This can be a huge income if you get the big deals. It may take some hunting but look for people in an area you’re a specialist in. If you see two companies that don’t know one another and you feel you can cut a deal then get in there and push. Make sure you have the right contracts so no one gets rid of the middle man. This is a line of work that calls for good manners and cool nerves but getting a company to purchase or work with another can be very rewarding.
4 – Trading.
Not stock trading although that is a lucrative internet business but just overall trading of cool goods and services. Do you have that inside track on excellent toys or tools? How about awesome crafts like quilts and furniture? Curio pieces no one else has but someone wants to trade? Finding that sought after item that someone else wants but can’t find can turn into quite the windfall. There are numerous news stories about this way to make money on the internet. One sharp eyed dealer finds that painting or chair and then finds the person who has been looking for it for years. The searcher has that car or jewelry you’ve been looking for you know you can sell for a higher price or get to another searcher for a cut. It happens. It takes skill, perseverance but once you get the hang of it you’ll be a reputable trader.
3 – Writing.
The skills of writing are a huge demand on the internet. The best skilled writers make wonderful incomes and have regular clientele. If you freelance for online magazines you can also get work at mainstream publications. It all depends on skill, talent, and determination. It will take some searching to find whether you want to work for an agency or handle freelancing on your own. Added to that you might want to try your hand at ebooks or other products. Writing isn’t going away anytime soon on the internet.
2 – Proofreading.
Yes, you can actually make money proofreading! With all the software out there that claims to do proofreading, nothing beats good ol’ fashioned human eyes and knowledge. The best companies in the world make sure their copy is proofread by a human being. This is why companies fan out to find people who are professional proofreaders. Once you get the clientele you can expect an avalanche of copy to proof. It’s a big responsibility though as any mistakes could be disastrous. It all depends if you’re the last line of grammatical defense regarding a project.
1 – Ebay.
There are so many people on Ebay it’s phenomenal. It’s one of the easiest ways to make money on the internet that millions do it daily. Why? Because anything laying around in your basement could probably be sold on Ebay. Some people do nothing all day but find objects to sell on Ebay. They scour flea markets, discount stores, garage sales and more just to snag up items they figure are in demand somewhere on Earth and in most cases they’re right! A smart shopper can spot a deal a mile away and it doesn’t take hundreds of Ebay sales to make a good income. Sometimes just a few a year can do the trick. With an Ebay store you can control it from home or even a smartphone. Set up your shipping and you’re good to go.