Thursday, April 11, 2013
How to Get Rid of Sunburn

About Sunburn
Sunburn is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The extent depends on skin type and amount of exposure to the sun. Sunburn is a serious risk factor for skin cancer, so you should know that how to get rid of sunburn?
Ways to avoid it
There are several natural remedies and ways to get rid of sunburn. Let’s talk about these in detail:
- Use Aloe Vera
One of the most effective ways to get rid of sunburn is the usage of ‘Aloe Vera’ gel. It helps to minimize the effects of sunburn and relieves pain due to the antioxidant content and anti-inflammation.
- Drink plenty of Water
Staying hydrated is the key to get rid of sunburns. Water helps to keep your body hydrated, so that it can naturally heal your sunburn. Having eight glasses of water a day helps to heal faster and get your wounds recover quickly.
- Use Sunscreen
Application of sunscreen on regular basis is the easiest way to get rid of sunburn. It is advised to limit your exposure during the peak heating hours. A sunblock with an SPF 50 helps to protect your skin from sunburn effectively.
- Take a Cool Shower
In case of severe sunburn, take a cool shower regularly. This will help to keep your skin cool, and will relieve pain. Another tip to get rid of sunburn quickly is to apply cold compresses, by using a cold water dipped towel.
- Use Sunburn Protective Lotions
An effective way to get rid of sunburn is to apply sunburn protective lotions to the burned area regularly. These lotions help to moisten the skin and promote more rapid healing.
- Wear Light Clothes
Sunburn makes your skin painful and itchy. So it is advised to wear lose-fitted clothes that do not irritate your skin. This will comfort the pain and keep your skin get rid of sunburn quickly.
- Use Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the most famous natural remedies to get rid of sunburn.Vinegar acts as an antiseptic and helps to cool the skin after sunburn. Vinegar can greatly help to keep your skin safe by balancing the body’s pH levels and eliminating the stinging sensation caused by sunburn.
- Use Moisturizer
Using a good skin moisturizer is the most commonly practiced therapies, nowadays. Application of a moisturizer gives your skin a calm refreshing sensation. Apply moisturizer after every 4 hours to prevent skin from dryness and peeling off.
- Vitamin E and C
Some health professionals recommend vitamin E and C to get rid of sunburn. Applying vitamin E & C’s oil on the exposed skin helps to free pain and keeps it moisturized. Many scientists believe that vitamins act as antioxidants to heal burns.
- Baking Soda
Many people use baking soda as a protective skin remedy. Baking soda creates an alkaline environment that soothes the burned skin and acts as an antiseptic to keep you safe from sunburn. Rub baking soda mixed with water on the affected area of your skin.
- Apply Honey
Honey is considered to be a reliever for various diseases, including pain caused by sunburn. Honey is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. You can surely get rid of sunburn by applying honey to your wounds, as it helps the skin cells to regenerate new skin epithelium.
- Use Tomatoes
A recent study in Germany showed that the smear of tomato paste applied to the affected skin helps to get rid of sunburn. This is because tomatoes are rich in lycopene that helps to reduce injury from ultraviolet radiation.
- Oatmeal
Another oldest home remedy to get rid of sunburn is the usage of oatmeal. The malt extract of oatmeal have anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce pain caused by sunburn. Put oatmeal on the affected area twice daily, to help get faster recovery.