Since crimes are rising at an alarming rate, safety has become a matter to worry and thus various nations across the globe have appointed bodies to look after the securities and defense of the concerned country. These agencies are well equipped with all sorts of advance instruments and highly trained professionals who are ready round the clock to serve their country. The list below talks about the top ten best intelligence agencies in the world.
Top Ten Best Intelligent Agencies in the World
Glance through to gather knowledge about the top ten best intelligence agencies in the world.
1. CIA-United States

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the independent civilian intelligent agency of the United States government. It was formed on 18
th September, 1947 for offering national security intelligence assessment to senior United States policymakers. It is also the largest of the intelligence agencies and is responsible for gathering data from other countries that could impact U.S. policy. Highly funded and technologically most advanced, CIA at times undertakes secret activities at the request of the President of US.
2. RAW-India

Formed in September 1968 due to two consecutive wars, Research and Analysis Wing
(RAW or R&AW) is an external intelligent agency of India. It is headquartered in Delhi with the prime function of collecting external intelligence, counter terrorism and covert operations along with obtaining and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and persons, to advise Indian policymakers.
3. DGSE-French

Effective under the direction of the French Ministry of Defence, Directorate General for External Security (DGSE) is French external intelligent agency. With the duty of providing intelligence and national security, the agency was formed on 2
nd April, 1982 from a large number of prior intelligence agencies in the country. It has credits for preventing more than 15 terrorist attacks in French since 9/11.
4. Mossad-Israel

The intelligent agency of Israel, Mossad is a name derived from Arabic meaning “Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations”. Formed in December 13, 1949 as the Central Institute for Coordination, its principal task is intelligence collection, covert operations and counter terrorism along with bringing Jews to Israel and protecting the community worldwide. The current motto of the agency is “Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.”
5. ISI-Pakistan

Formed in 1948 after the Indo-Pakistani War in 1947, ISI or Inter-Services Intelligence is the leading intelligence agency from Pakistan. It operates and co ordinates spying activities for the three branches of the Pakistan Armed Force. The ISI headquarters are in Islamabad and both civilians and members of the armed forces can join it. ISI have won more GOLD MEDALS than any other intelligence agency and has the highest number of agents all over the world
6. MI 6-United Kingdom

Frequently referred as MI 6 or Military intelligence, section 6 is the intelligence agency from United Kingdom which functions under the official guidance of the Joint Intelligence Committee along with the internal Security Service, the Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence Intelligence. The MI 6 is today “the secret front line” of Britain’s national security.
7. CIA-United States

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the independent civilian intelligent agency of the United States government. It was formed on 18
th September, 1947 for offering national security intelligence assessment to senior United States policymakers. It is also the largest of the intelligence agencies and is responsible for gathering data from other countries that could impact U.S. policy. Highly funded and technologically most advanced, CIA at times undertakes secret activities at the request of the President of US.
8. FSB-Russia

Regarded as the the main domestic security agency of Russia and the main successor agency of the Soviet, FSB is completely pronounced as Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. It was form on 3
rd April, 1995 with the soul motive of counter intelligence, internal and border security, counter terrorism and surveillance. According to the Federal Law it is considered as a military service and is headquartered at Lubyanka Square, downtown Moscow.
9. BND-Germany

Direct assistant to the Chancellor’s Office, Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) is the foreign intelligence agency of Germany with headquarters in Pullach near Munich. With 300 locations in Germany and across foreign countries it alerts the German government if there happens to be any foreign threats.
10. CSIS-Canada

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is Canada’s national intelligence service with the responsibilities of collecting, analyzing, reporting and disseminating brainpower on threats to the nation. Formed on 21
st June, 1984 its headquarters are located at 1941 Ogilvie Road, Ontario and is accountable to parliament through Minister of Public Safety.